The Afghanistan citizens complain about the lack of real peace.

21 Sep 2023
2 Minutes
The Afghanistan citizens complain about the lack of real peace.

By: The Peace Window

September 21, which coincides with the 30th of the Horoscope, is the International Day of Peace.  This day was named for the first time in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly, whose purpose was to promote peace among the nations of the world.

At the same time as the International Day of Peace, a number of citizens of the country say that they have not experienced real peace in Afghanistan until now and have always lived a life full of challenges and far from peace.

Reza Sarwari, a citizen of Herat Province, says that Afghanistan has never been a peaceful country where its people can experience real peace.

He states: “As far as I can remember, there has always been war in Afghanistan. Even now, if there is no war and suicide attacks, there is no peace either. The economy of all the people has reached below zero. What if there is security but there is no bread on the tables of the people?”  For our benefit, we want peace and security so that no one sleeps at night because of hunger and no man or woman reaches out to beg because of poverty and unemployment.

Ahmad Khan Ander, an expert on political affairs and international relations, says that after the current government came to Afghanistan, the long wars that existed in the country have ended, but we cannot say that permanent and complete peace has been secured in Afghanistan.

He says: “The negotiations between the United States of America, the Taliban government, and the former Afghan republic in Doha did not yield the satisfactory results that the Afghan people were waiting for. The Islamic Republic fell and the Taliban took over.  Now our people have physical security, but they have not achieved their political and economic security.

After the fall of the government and the return to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the citizens of the country have witnessed great political, social, human rights and economic changes in the last two years and currently, according to the United Nations, they are experiencing one of the worst human crises.

Zainab (pseudonym), one of the women’s rights activists, says that the exclusion of girls from education and the imposition of restrictions on women in Afghanistan is an indication of the shortcomings of the laws of peace and human rights, which has caused women, more than any other group in the country, to face many challenges.  face each other

He says: “In a society where half of its body is marginalized and deprived of their fundamental and human rights, even if there is security, we cannot believe in the existence of peace there, because this kind of peace is meaningless.”

Afghanistan is one of the countries that has witnessed various wars in recent decades and global efforts to bring real peace in the country have not reached satisfactory results.  So that after the fall of the government and the re-emergence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, people have witnessed great political developments, human rights and economic crises, and now they are struggling with these challenges more than ever before.