September 28 is equal to the World Access to Information Day. This day was approved by the UNESCO General Conference in 2015 and its purpose is to promote free and inclusive access to information for all people in society.
Meanwhile, the International Federation of Journalists said on Thursday (28 Oct) on the occasion of the “World Access to Information Day” that the access to information in Afghanistan has reached its lowest level and the lack of access to information will put the “society in the dark”.
According to a survey by the International Federation of Journalists, 97% of Afghan journalists do not believe that the Taliban recognize the right to access information as a “civil freedom”.
Also in this survey, 90% of the respondents called the situation of access to information in the Taliban regime “critical” and 87% of Afghan journalists said that the answers they receive from the Taliban authorities are “not at all satisfactory”.
This is despite the fact that during the past two years in Afghanistan, because of the restrictions on the right to access information, information and freedom of expression, it has faced many challenges and has made the work of a journalist more limited and difficult than before.