As the beginning of the new school year approaches in Afghanistan, American officials say that Afghan girls should not be deprived of going to school.
In response to a question about the beginning of the new academic year and the restrictions on the education of Afghan girls, Matthew Miller, the spokesperson of the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that girls should not be denied from going to school.
Mr. Miller has said that the United States is calling on the Taliban at every opportunity to allow girls to be educated and to respect the rights of all Afghans.
He added: “We have made it clear that the Taliban should never have prevented girls from going to school. Advancing respect for the rights of Afghan women and girls is critical to our efforts in Afghanistan.”
Meanwhile, the representative of the United States in the meeting of the United Nations Security Council has also said that the Taliban continue to restrict Afghan girls and women in the education and work sectors.
The US representative emphasized that Washington is working with Afghan women to fully participate in society and said that 85% of Afghan citizens want girls and women in this country to have equal access to education.
This American representative says that the presence of women helps the society to have more endurance and flexibility.
In this regard, Roza Otunbayeva, the UN Secretary General’s special representative for Afghanistan, said at the UN Security Council meeting that the Taliban must respect the full rights of women, ethnic and religious minorities.
Mrs. Reza Otunbayeva added that the Taliban should cancel the restrictions against girls and women, because currently this group is afraid to even go out in the society.
The head of UNAMA has said that Afghanistan is a major challenge for the world and accepting the Taliban in the international community is considering the wishes of the Afghan people.
This is despite the fact that almost three years have passed since the government of the Taliban group in Afghanistan; But the gates of schools, universities, and work are still closed to women, which has faced strong reactions from the people, the international community, and educational institutions.