Reporters Without Borders organization expressing concern about the situation of media and journalists; Especially female journalists in Afghanistan have said that the Taliban group has imposed new restrictions on female journalists, women’s access to audio and video media, and filming for television.
Reporters Without Borders has expressed concern about the situation of media and journalists in Afghanistan and said that the Taliban group will completely eliminate this group of media by imposing new restrictions on female journalists in Afghanistan.
This organization has asked the leadership of the Taliban group to end the strict measures against the media and journalists and remove the restrictions placed on women in Khost and Kandahar provinces.
Reporters Without Borders’ announcement states that repressive restrictions on the people of Afghanistan have intensified and these restrictions have specifically targeted “women’s access to the media either as reporters or as audiences”.
In this newsletter, it is stated that, in the name of promoting the good and forbidding the evil of the Taliban, the minister made the dress code strict for female journalists and asked them to cover their faces with a black veil and only their eyes could be seen. Otherwise, they will be banned from duty.
The South Asia section of this organization said: “The silencing of female listeners and viewers in Khost, the ban on filming in Kandahar and the strict dress code for female journalists are alarming signs of the strict “thinking” of the Taliban group, which targets female journalists in a special way. have given.”
This organization has said that after the Taliban came to power, the strict restrictions on journalists have severely damaged the freedom of expression in this country.
However, a number of female journalists say that after the Taliban’s dominance in the country and their severe restrictions on the country’s free media, they are no longer allowed to work in the media and their voices and images have been banned on radio and television.
Ayesha Ahmadzai (pseudonym), one of the female journalists, said in a conversation with the reporter of Rosneh Saleh that she lost her job and stayed at home after the Taliban became effective. He emphasized that the authorities of this group have banned the broadcasting of female presenters and female guests on local radios and televisions in the provinces of Afghanistan.
Mrs. Ahmadzai said: “There is no more place for women in the media. Female listeners are not allowed to call the programs. Our journalists and presenters have been banned. “Women cannot work in radio and television.”
Mursal Mohammadi (pseudonym), one of the female employees in Bamyan province, said that half of the local radio and television stations in Bamyan province have stopped broadcasting due to many restrictions from the Taliban group and economic problems.
Ms. Mohammadi added: “The radio I used to work for has stopped broadcasting at the moment and emphasized that other audio and visual media have lost their value and people have moved away from them.”
He says: “Most of the media cannot pay the financial expenses and salaries of their employees. Many of them are blocked in Bamyan province and some others are facing the threat of being closed, and many restrictions have caused the radios to be closed in this province.
The Center of Afghan Journalists has said that the restrictions imposed on free media and journalists are a violation of their legal and fundamental rights, which is not only useless, but also negatively affects the information and progress of Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, the Taliban group has banned girls from making phone calls to local radio and TV stations in Khost province, and the Taliban governor in Kandahar has also banned taking pictures of local officials. .