The Purple Saturdays Movement: The invitation of the Taliban to the Doha meeting is ransom

16 Feb 2024
2 Minutes
The Purple Saturdays Movement: The invitation of the Taliban to the Doha meeting is ransom

At the same time as the meeting of the special representatives of the countries on Afghanistan affairs is approaching, hosted by the United Nations in Doha, the capital of Qatar, the Purple Saturdays movement says that the invitation of the Taliban in this meeting is ransom.

The Purple Saturdays Movement today (Friday,27 Febryary) published a statement saying that the interaction of the countries of the world, especially the United Nations Office in Kabul (UNAMA) with the Taliban is a mistake and that inviting this group to the Doha summit is a ransom that should be avoided.

This declaration states: “While we are witnessing the deterioration of the security, economic and human rights situation in Afghanistan; Regrettably, the United Nations Deputy Mission in Kabul (UNAMA) has adopted the policy of whitewashing the Taliban without paying attention to the objective realities of the society, and the representatives of this group are expected to interact more in the Doha meeting which was initiated by the United Nations. will be held; share.”

This movement says that asking for more interaction with the Taliban and inviting this group to the United Nations meetings gives the Taliban more courage to carry out genocide, crimes against humanity, gender discrimination, depriving women of Their human rights, field trials of civil and military officials of the previous government, extralegal detentions and tortures, and promotion of extremism pose a serious security threat to the region and the world.

The members of this movement have said that the Taliban do not respect the rights of the Afghan people, and interaction with them will facilitate the continuation of human rights violations, and real representatives of women should be invited to the Doha meeting.

They have emphasized: “By forming a self-proclaimed, mono-ethnic and mono-gender government, the Taliban extremist group has turned Afghanistan into a base for terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Islamic Jihad Alliance of Tajikistan, the Islamic Movement of East Turkestan, and Jaish.” Muhammad, Sipah Sahaba, Jaish al-Adl and dozens of other extremist groups

This movement has said that appointing a new representative for Afghanistan is useless and a wrong choice by the United Nations.

In the declaration, they said: “We protesting women in the “Purple Saturdays Movement” believe that the United Nations, in the political field and the fundamental solution of the current crisis, will take the actions that the people of Afghanistan expected; “The last meeting of the Security Council, the issuance of Resolution No. 2721 and the decision to appoint a special representative, chose the wrong path of the past.”

This movement says that the only solution to the current crisis in Afghanistan is to hold fair elections and create a decentralized system, and a democratic and decentralized government and system based on the will of the Afghan people can be the end point of the current crisis and the existing security risk from our country that is facing the region. And the world is; to fix

This movement asked the international community and the United Nations to respect the request of the people of Afghanistan, the charter of that organization, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other international documents and to stop interacting, ransoming, inviting representatives of terrorist groups and Compromising with the Taliban group, most of whose leaders are on the UN blacklist; Keep separate.

Meanwhile, in two days, the second meeting of representatives of countries for Afghanistan will be held in Doha, the capital of Qatar, hosted by Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, a meeting in which the Taliban have been invited to participate.